Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. At TeacherTravelTimes, I write about all things teaching, travelling and anything else I like in between. I’m by no means an expert in any of these areas, I’m totally winging it! That said, I try my best and I work hard. I share my experiences from my time around the world so far.

I will be honest though, if you’re looking for a travel guide, then you’re probably better off buying something from Lonely Planet. Here’s a lovely Amazon link to save you a lot of time!
If you’re looking for teaching expertise, I am certainly not an expert but I’m happy to share some things that I have done. Maybe you’ll benefit from it, maybe you’ll judge me and think you could do much better (if you can, fair play to you!).

Who am I?
I’m a thirty-something teacher from Ireland who has lived in five different countries. Over the last ten years, I have worked in various roles. I’m currently based in China. On this journey, some things went well, others did not. That said, I do feel that everything has panned out the way that it should so far!

Why blog?
This blog is a chance for me to keep track of all of the different things I have done. Also, allows me to look at the places I have been, along with testing my memory skills! Furthermore, I’m also curious to see who’ll read it and where in the world you are! Who knows, you might find it informative or entertaining. Just to be clear, I also work a full-time job along with a lot of other things in between so this is a hobby more than anything. Finally, I would also like to show that you can live and work abroad, without being a ‘digital nomad’.
This blog does contain affiliate links. However, may come across them for Hostelworld, Booking.com and Amazon (to be fair I wasn’t really that subtle up at the top of the page!). Actually that’s not true, you will come across them. These are all sites that I trust and that I use myself regularly. This benefits me only if you click into one of the links and choose to make a booking or buy something. It comes at no extra cost to you. However, these companies will give me a small percentage of the transaction.