Home » Palauan People: The Face of Pura Vida Palau

Palauan People: The Face of Pura Vida Palau

To celebrate International Women’s Day, I interviewed Miel Sequeira-Holm, founder of the reef safe sunscreen brand, Pura Vida Palau. She shares the inspiration behind establishing her business and its benefit to the environment. In addition, she talks about about the influence of strong female conservationists in her life and the journey of her brand, Pura Vida Palau.

Miel Sequiera Holm - Founder of Pura Vida Palau

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Miel Sequeira-Holm and I’m 23 years old. I am Palauan, American, and Costa Rican. I was born and raised here in Palau. I’m passionate about ocean conservation, making my own products, animal health and welfare, art, and outrigger canoeing. In my free time I like to hangout with family and friends, paint, and spend time with my 3 cats.

What made you start Pura Vida Palau?

As my high school graduation neared closer, my passion for protecting the environment led me to uncover the harmful effects of most commercial sunscreens on marine life and our health. This discovery coincided with a growing awareness of the lack of reef-safe sunscreens in my home island of Palau.

Inspired by a conversation with my Aunty Amanda in Hawaii about a local woman crafting her own reef-safe alternatives, my family and I saw an opportunity to make a difference. Embracing my gap year with enthusiasm and driven by my parents’ support, I embarked on a project to develop a sustainable and locally made sunscreen solution for Palau.

Were you always interested in conservation or is it an interest you developed over time?

I believe being Palauan has instilled in me really important values such as respect – respect to others and to our environment. I also grew up around strong women conservationists that I could look up to such as my mom Tarita Holm, my aunt Tiare Holm, and my grandmother Paula Rivera.

One thing that stands out to me is that on your site it says that Pura Vida Palau cares about human health. Could you share a bit more about how your products support this?

Many sunscreen products and other body care products contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances that have been shown to disrupt our endocrine system and hormones. Our products use natural ingredients such as organic Palauan coconut oil that’s sustainably sourced here in Palau.

We also use non-nano zinc oxide as our active ingredient in our sunscreens and use essential oils instead of synthetic fragrances. This way, our customers feel good about using our products without worrying about how the ingredients might affect our bodies or the environment.

What are some other reef safe alternative products you can recommend people to look out for around the world?

Reef safe sunscreen products that I recommend are Stream2Sea, SunButter Skincare, and Little Hands Hawaii. 

OK just to clarify, Pura Vida Palau is reef safe. Does that mean it’s safe to apply when visiting the Rock Islands in Palau?

Yes! You can use our sunscreen in the Rock Islands and at Jellyfish Lake in Palau without worrying about harming the marine life.

What do you think makes Pura Vida Palau stand out from other brands?

Pura Vida Palau isn’t just about sun protection, it’s about empowering our community and protecting our environment. As a local, young Palauan entrepreneur, I craft suncare products using natural ingredients and eco-friendly packaging here in Palau. We prioritize your health and the ocean’s health, avoiding harmful chemicals and using reef-safe mineral-based UV filters. But Pura Vida Palau is more than just a product; it’s a movement to celebrate our island and empower others.

Is Pura Vida Palau a side-hustle or a full-time job?

At first, it was a side hustle, but as my business grows it’s becoming my full-time job. 

Since starting your business, has this created any opportunities for you? If so, can you give some examples?

My business has created so many wonderful opportunities for me. I was a speaker at the One Young World International Youth Summit in London in 2019 talking about the importance of indigenous knowledge in combating climate change and I also shared my story of creating my reef safe sunscreen.

I’ve had many opportunities to share my story in Palau as well. I was the keynote speaker for Palau’s National Environmental Symposium in 2020 talking about the harmful effects of most commercial sunscreens and encouraging our people to create their own products instead of heavily relying on imported goods.

Just recently, I was in Japan in January for the Tokyo COSME Expo. It was an amazing experience I will never forget. I was able to showcase my products to distributors and buyers in Japan and made really meaningful connections with other Pacific Islanders. These are just a few opportunities that have been a result of my business and passion for ocean conservation.

Which product do you enjoy making the most and why? 

Currently, I only have my sunscreens and my lip balms. But my favorite product to make is specifically the Coconut Vanilla scented sunscreen. It makes my kitchen smell wonderful! I use Palauan coconut oil which has a nice toasted coconut smell and I use vanilla essential oil. 

Who are your target customers and how can people purchase Pura Vida Palau products? 

In Palau, my target customers are locals and visitors who come to Palau to enjoy and explore our beautiful waters and lush green forests. Outside of Palau, my target customers are people from other pacific islands like Guam, FSM, Hawaii, etc. 

People can purchase my products on my website puravidapalau.com

I’m curious, where is the farthest place you have received an order from?


What are your hopes for the future of Pura Vida Palau?

My hopes for the future of Pura Vida Palau is to produce more products that my customers will love and for my products to be sold in all throughout the Pacific. I also want my website to feature a variety of Palauan-made products from myself as well as other Palauan women and youth entrepreneurs.

Do you have any advice for any young entrepreneurs who are thinking of starting a small business?

My advice, would be to just start. Start small and build from there. If you have the passion for it, it will work out. Don’t be afraid to fail. There’s a quote I really like by Robert Kyosaki from his book Rich Dad Poor Dad : “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

Thank You!

Finally, thank YOU so much for reading! If you liked this post, you may enjoy some more blog posts I have written about Palau.








